Best Ways To Get Free Help Starting Business Online.

Best Ways To Get Free Help Starting Business Online

If you are looking for the very best ways to get free help starting business online, you have found it! I am in absolutely no doubt about this! You will want to read to the end of this post to find out why! Put away your credit card and read on!

When I was searching for just that, “Best ways to get free help starting Business Online” I was lucky enough to find a link to Wealthy Affiliate University, and I have never looked back! And I really hope that you will also consider yourself lucky to have found your way here!

Quite simply, Wealthy Affiliate University provides the very best training that it is possible to find anywhere on every aspect of Online Marketing that you could ever wish or need to know. It has taught me everything that I now know about Internet Marketing, including the building and running of this website!

You could in fact pay many thousands of dollars for training which is vastly inferior to Wealthy Affiliate’s, and sadly many people who have not been as lucky as you in finding it, frequently do so.

And a large number of those people will find that they have been scammed. If you are being asked to get out your credit card and pay up-front when you don’t really know what you will be getting, then my strong advice is to step away from it. I should know – it has happened to me in the past!

So put your credit card away! 

crossed out image of credit cards

You can join Wealthy Affiliate and start your training absolutely free! Simply click on the link above and fill in the simple form.

Continue reading “Best Ways To Get Free Help Starting Business Online.”

What Is Great About WA? Why Wealthy Affiliate Is So Different!

What is great about WA?

When I try to think about what is great about WA, the only problem I have is where to start!!

Wealthy Affiliate is crammed with so much excellent and brilliant training on all aspects of Online and Affiliate Marketing!

  • The Certification Courses are at the root of the training at Wealthy Affiliate.
  • These consist of five Certification Courses and seven Bootcamp courses: a total of 120 lessons in total. They all have  tasks to complete at the end of each lesson, all of which help you to progress in the building of your website and your business.
  • There is a massive library of trainings by experienced members, often designed to answer questions which have been asked by the Community. Here is a link to a training which I created in response to questions from new members:
  • Also there is a weekly Webinar on topical aspects of websites and marketing, and recordings of these are also stored in a library accessible to all members at any time.

Continue reading “What Is Great About WA? Why Wealthy Affiliate Is So Different!”

What Is Online Or Affiliate Marketing?

What Is Online Or Affiliate Marketing?

What is Online or Affiliate Marketing is a question frequently asked by people seeking to start an Online business. Is it actually possible to do Affiliate Marketing offline?

Well of course it is, but when you consider the enormous potential of Online marketing as opposed to local marketing, then you will soon realise that it is preferable to concentrate on Online Marketing.

Is it necessary to be an Affiliate in order to do Online Marketing?

Again, of course it is possible, it all depends on what you are marketing. If you have a number of your own products, then there is no need to be an Affiliate of any other company.

Continue reading “What Is Online Or Affiliate Marketing?”

How Can I Find A Good Free Autoresponder?

How Can I Find A Good  Free Autoresponder?

When starting out in online marketing, many people will ask the question “How can I find a good free autoresponder?”

But is that a good idea?

What Is An Autoresponder?

Every Online Marketer will tell you that in order to really succeed you must have an Email list. This is a list of people who have expressed an interest in what you are offering and have given you their email address in return for more information.

These people come from a variety of places. They may have visited your website because they saw something which you had posted on social media or because they found you on Google, or they may be responding to one of your adverts.

However they found you, these people are like gold dust! It is vitally important to regularly contact them with more information and offers based on the subject in which they originally expressed an interest.

This is where an Autoresponder Comes In!

Continue reading “How Can I Find A Good Free Autoresponder?”

What Is A WordPress Widget For? How Is It Used?

What Is A WordPress Widget For?

You need to know what is a WordPress widget for when you are building your website.

Widgets!! What on earth have they to do with WordPress?!?

Before I joined Wealthy Affiliate, I thought that a widget was something which was found at the bottom of a beer can!!

But what is a WordPress widget?

For along time I had absolutely no idea, I had just heard of them! They were a foreign country to me. I should have learnt what they were through the brilliant trainings at Wealthy Affiliate, but they sounded just too complicated to me, so I put that training on one side.

Big mistake!! They can do so much to improve the appearance and efficient working of  your website. So I finally bit the bullet and knuckled down to try to understand them!

In very simple terms, widgets are used to put text and images into the sidebars and the bottom of your site, amongst other things.

Continue reading “What Is A WordPress Widget For? How Is It Used?”